I’m sure by now…

You’ve heard of clay face masks; the most popular being Aztec (Bentonite) clay. Clay face masks have become an essential in my skincare routine. Basically, what they do is absorb the gunk and oil of out your pores to pave way for clear skin. But if you’ve read my previous posts, we all have different skin types (to see what skin type you are, click here). So which type of clay is best for your specific skin type? Let’s find out!

Oily or Acne Prone

White Kaolin Clay and Moroccan Red Clay are both amazing choices for tackling oily skin and unclogging pores as they both absorb excess oil. Moroccan Red Clay deeply cleanses your skins’ pores while stimulating blood circulation. Plus, if you have sensitive skin, Moroccan Red Clay is gentle. White Kaolin Clay is a very fine and light, which won’t clog your pores.

Normal to Oily

Bentonite Clay is the most widely used clay (check out my blog post here) and is perfect if you aren’t quite sure which clay to use. It also absorbs excess oil and tightens skin all at the same time. you can literally feel it when you apply on your face! It draws out the skin’s impurities and transfers it’s beneficial minerals to your skin in their place. (contains over 50 minerals, some being calcium, iron, copper, and zinc)

Sensitive or Reactive

French Green Clay gets it’s green colour from kelp and algae, and is the most ideal clay for sensitive skin as it’s both detoxifying and healing. If your skin is suffering from a sunburn, allergic reaction, or a wound, reach for this gorgeous sea clay. It’s antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are believed to come from the plant matter in the clay.


Fuller’s Earth has lightening properties for pigmented and aging skin. But you may want to mix in small amounts of Bentonite Clay due it’s strength! Due to its strength, Fuller’s Earth can be combined with small amounts of Bentonite Clay. It’s known for drawing out excess sebum and decolorizing (lightening) oil out of pores.


Rhassoul Clay is perfect for skin that is losing elasticity and needs deep exfoliation. Rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium, it aids in firming and revitalizing the skin. This clay is the most hydrating of the clays, as it swells when water is added, actually helping the skin retain moisture.

Easy Clay Mask Recipe for Any Skin Type

Once you’ve determined the right clay for your skin, you’re almost there. Mix equal parts clay with any of these options, typically 1–2 tablespoons is ideal for a one-time use mask. Make sure you use a plastic bowl and spoon; metal can actually reduce it’s healing properties. This may be only true for Bentonite Clay, but I use a plastic bowl and a makeup brush to apply.

SENSITIVE SKIN– plain yogurt, water, or cooled chamomile tea. Soothes the skin.

OILY OR ACNE PRONE SKIN– raw apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, or raw honey. Antibacterial and antimicrobial to help control oil and breakouts. 

DRY OR AGAING SKIN– rosehip seed oil, cooled green tea, or mashed avocado. Nourish and hydrate, while still detoxifying. 

Apply your clay mask for approximately 10 minutes, and then remove with warm water. Follow with your normal skincare routine.


Cruelty Free Beauty





Let’s talk about the elephant in the room…

If you know me, you know cruelty free beauty is something I am EXTREMELY passionate about. I was trying to think back to when this passion started, and I have to give credit to Legally Blonde 2. You know, the one where the confident and outgoing, Elle Woods, finds out her dog, Bruiser’s, mother is trapped in an animal testing facility. That one! After watching that movie at the ripe age of 7, I had it in the back of my mind when it came to buying products. Now, I will admit I haven’t always been the best at staying true to my 7 year old self. But, when I moved to Edmonton back in 2015, I made the decision to start converting all of my beauty products to cruelty free.

Everyone has their own reasons for going cruelty free. Not everyone will agree with my reasoning or this post in general. But, if you’ve found your way to this page, you are most likely trying to take the plunge or you already are in the deep end and need more inspo! Either way, I’m happy you’re here.

It’s unnecessary

To be quite frank, there are viable alternatives are available. Take ‘The Body Shop’ for example. They develop products that use natural ingredients -like bananas, basil nut oil, honey, etc.- with a long history of safe human usage. There are other, more advance scientific and ethical methods of testing products for humans (Lone Star College has an excellent post here)

Lush cosmetics has also been a leader against animal testing. They test all of their products in house (on themselves) and send out batches for human volunteers. Just like The Body Shop, Lush has found many ways to keep creating amazing products by using ingredients that they know react well to the human body. (To read more on Lush’s Human Testing, click here)

Animal Rights

Animals and people both feel, think, behave, and experience pain, and we both have a basic moral right to be treated with respect. I don’t know about you, but using animals as tools in scientific experiments without having a choice, seems like a violation of rights. These experiments are often painful and can cause permanent damage or death. Some may argue that testing on animals benefit human’s, but you have to put yourself in the shoes of our furry friends and imagine how you’d feel if your basic rights have been taken away. They cannot vocalize their choices like us humans can, and they don’t willingly sacrifice themselves for these experiments.

On another note, I want to end the stigma around which animals are being used for animal testing. When I chat with my peers about what kind of animals they think are being used, you get the typical “rats, mice, hamsters, bunnies”. But there are more than you think. Depending on where you are in the world, there can be difference species, but the most common are dogs, cats, mice, fish, rats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, farm animals, birds, mini-pigs, and monkeys/chimpanzees. Wow. I have had conversations with people who are outraged when they hear about animal abuse and neglect, but it seems like they are only up in arms when it comes to typical household pets, like cats and dogs. My question is, what is a ‘pet’ to you? To some, it might be mice, cows, pigs or birds. How would you feel about someone coming into your home and taking your pet for animal testing? You know it’s morally wrong when it hits home, so why not have compassion towards all animals?


*just a pre warning that this section explains some of the ways animals are harmed in animal testing. If you’re sensitive to this topic, please read with caution*

Animals feel pain in many of the same ways that humans do. For example, they also scream when they feel pain. Two of the most common toxicity tests are the Draize test and the LD50 test. Both tests cause a significant amount of intense pain and suffering.

In the Draize test, the substance or product being tested is placed in the eyes of an animal and then monitored for damage to the cornea and other tissues in and near the eye. As you can probably guess, this test causes blindness, scarring and usually, death to the animal. This test has been accused of being totally needless and unreliable.

The LD50 test is used to test the dosage of a substance that is necessary to cause death in fifty percent of the animal subjects within a certain amount of time. Like, what? The animals are hooked up to tubes that pump copious amounts of the test product into their stomach until it causes death. Usually it takes days, even weeks, for the animal to die and since death is the endpoint, they aren’t put out of their misery. Basically they suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, paralysis, convulsion, and internal bleeding.

Other tests they perform are Skin Sensitization Testing, Carcinogenicity Testing, Reproductive and Developmental Toxicity Testing, and more. You can read about the other tests here.

In conclusion, all species are unique and tend to react differently to different diseases, ailments, and chemicals. There’s little reason to believe that just because a rat or bunny doesn’t respond to a certain chemical, a human being won’t. Animal testing does not eliminate the need to understand how certain products and chemicals affect humans. Animal testing is a crime against animal rights and it is more cruel than helpful. I have tons of product companies that don’t test on animals and work perfectly fine -even better than those that do use animal testing. Feel free to send me a message on my socials if you have any questions.

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Coco Lava | Stevie Fox


When I tell you I’m obsessed…

with this product, I mean I have an unhealthy obsession with it. Let me introduce you to #cocolava face + body scrub from Stevie Fox Beauty. I fell in love with this product and company about a year ago! What urged me to try this yummy scrub was my self tanning routine. Mainly my exfoliating process. My sensitive skin didn’t like how coarse the typical sugar scrubs were -and trust me, I’ve also tried like 8 million homemade recipes as well. What I love about this product is how it gently exfoliates my skin, the natural ingredients and the smell! You know the drill, let’s break down what’s in this product, and how it’s beneficial for us!


This charcoal ISN’T like those peel off masks you’re thinking of. Those are waaaay harsh on the skin! Natural charcoal detoxes, firms and clarifies the skin (which is great for acne prone skin). It also has a healing effect to the face and body in the form of a wash. So it gives #cocolava all the effects of a face mask, in the form of a body + face wash/scrub!

White Lava Dust

Lava dust is used to draw out the toxins in your body! It’s extremely rich in minerals and has antiseptic, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. So it works really well to not only clear blemishes but heal the inflamed, irritated skin. Not only is lava dust detoxifying and exfoliating, but it’s also super sustainable and natural! Which is why #steviefox chose it over traditional exfoliators.

Coconut Oil

Now, I know coconut oil in the beauty industry is a controversial topic, but I personally love it in a scrub (on the body). I don’t recommend coconut oil for your face because the molecules are too big to actually penetrate into the skin, and it’s waaaay too harsh to apply to the gentle skin on your face. But for the rest of your body? I say oil me up baby!! It provides antioxidants, moisturizes, minimizes the signs of aging and boosts nutrients in your skin.

Aloe Vera

I am a die hard fan of aloe vera; growing my own and in beauty products! Aloe is anti-aging, helps to moisturize the skin and reduces infection and acne. Do you know the little bumps you get on your legs after shaving? Maybe? Well, that’s called ‘folliculitis’ and aloe vera can actually reduce the inflammation! Crazy, right?

Now, above I mentioned the smell of this product. Y’all, this product is like if fruit loops, cotton candy and those little chalky rockets, had a baby! #steviefox calls the scent ‘sugar fluff’. Adorable, right? Click the link here to purchase your own #cocolava 🥥💛


Aztec Clay Mask.


Aztec Clay. aka, a heaven sent…

This beauty product is truly magical. It softens skin when it’s feeling dry, but also sucks up excess oil in greasy spots. Plus, it’s especially helpful in clearing out pores when I haven’t been washing my face regularly.

My roommate ordered this product through amazon, & we have been hooked ever since.

What is Aztec Clay?

The iconic Aztec clay contains 100% natural calcium bentonite clay from Death Valley in California -it’s made from volcanic ash, & contains over 50 minerals!

The clay contains molecules with a negative electron charge, & the dirt stored in your skin has a positive charge. So when a clay mask is applied to the face, all of the impurities (toxins, viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria) are drawn out of the skin, & into the clay. Then, the nourishing minerals from the clay are transferred to your skin.

This simple mask can be made with only a few ingredients found in your kitchen cupboards. The recipe I use is meant for those with normal to dry skin, but I have posted a couple alternatives for those with acne prone, & oily skin types.


Full of anti-oxidants - which helps with aging - moisturizes the skin, & boosts complexion to give your skin a healthy glow.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Antiseptic & anti-bacterial - aids in fighting acne -balances the pH balance of your skin, & lightens acne scars. *This product should be used with caution if you have dry or sensitive skin as the ACV might irritate your skin.

Lavender Essential Oil

Moisturizes, & balances hormone levels in your skin.

Vitamin E Oil

Extremely moisturizing, & reduces acne scarring.

Aztec Clay Mask

*Make sure you’re using non-metal tools (i.e plastic spoons, plastic bowls, ceramic bowls, makeup brush to apply)

  • 1 tablespoon of Aztec Clay

  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey

  • 1/2 - 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 1/2 teaspoon of Vitamin E Oil

  • 5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil

Oily/Acne Prone Skin

  • 1 tablespoon of Aztec Clay

  • 1 tablespoon of Activated Charcoal

  • 1 tablespoon of Witch Hazel

  • 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 5 drops of essential oils (lemon, clary sage, peppermint, tea tree)

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Jade Rollers: Everything You Need to Know.


by now, you’ve heard of jade rollers…

They’re popping up on everyone’s Pinterest & Instagram. Jade rollers (or the ‘Stone of Heaven’) originated for Chinese skincare to keep skin beautiful, & women ageless. But what are the benefits, & how exactly do you use it?

What are the Benefits?

Jade rollers help boost blood circulation, reduce swelling, & encourage you skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin. They’re basically an easy cure for daily skincare struggles like dark under-eye circles & puffiness. They can also help smooth out fine lines & wrinkles. The Jade stone has a natural cooling effect which helps to increase lymphatic drainage.

On top of the skincare benefits, jade stones are said to be calming. It’s a traditional stone that soothes the mind, & releases negative thoughts, which can boost your mood!

How Do you use it?

After washing my face, I apply my eye serum, homemade toner, & face oil. I take the Jade roller, & roll outward. Light pressure works to drain lymphatic fluids, & medium pressure can help skincare products to penetrate deeper, & boost blood flow. The movements help increase blood circulation & collagen production to maintain a youthful glow. 

When do you use it? 

The beauty of this product, is that you can use it morning or evening! I throw my roller in the fridge overnight because, in the morning, a chilled jade roller can help sleepy, puffy eyes look refreshed. Then, I rinse the roller off in the sink after use, & leave it at room temperature for the evening time.

What Skincare Products Work With Jade Rollers? 

A face oil combined with your jade roller is a winning combo! The oil will help the roller glide against your face, & a face oil can be easily penetrated into your skin. (click here for my homemade face oil for all skin types)

Is There a Difference Between Cheap & Expensive Jade Rollers? 

It truly depends on personal preference. I picked up mine from Winners, but looked into the company I was purchasing from to see if it was real Jade stone. You want to make sure you’re getting quality stone, so it doesn’t hurt to opt for the more expensive Jade roller (but I won’t tell if you go to Winners like myself).

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Avocado Hair Serum.


oh, avocados…

The food that contains the ‘good fats’ that every millennial is obsessed with. I’m more than guilty of lighting up when I see avocado toast, but did you know that avocados have many health benefits when it comes to hair care?

Avocados contain vitamin A, B6, C & D, & are jam packed full of protein, amino acids, folic acid, magnesium, iron, & copper. These ingredients are essential to hair health due to the fact they aid in moisturizing the hair & scalp, encourages hair growth, protects against daily damage & dryness, & makes your hair shine.

Along with avocado, I added a few of my favourite essential oils that assist in hair growth & keeping the scalp moisturized. Peppermint & rosemary essential oil stimulate blood circulation in the scalp to support hair growth, while lavender prevents dry & itchy scalp.

Avocado Hair Serum

  1. I rinsed out & reused an old bottle with a pump for my serum. The bottle is around 175ml. I filled my bottle almost completely to the top with avocado oil, leaving a little space for my essential oils.

  2. The ratio of avocado oil to lavender/rosemary/peppermint is 15ml : 5/3/2 drops. So find a reusable bottle & calculate your ratio.

  3. Once your oils are added, screw on the lid & shake it up!

  4. I apply the serum a couple of ways.

    Daily: Apply 1 pump of serum to your hands, rub together & apply only on your ends. Take a wide tooth comb or a brush & comb through your hair. Make sure you don’t comb it on your roots!

    Weekly: Comb out your hair with a wide tooth comb & apply the oil from roots to ends. You want to make it look like you haven’t washed your hair in weeks. Once your hair is completely covered, wrap it up in a hot towel or cotton t-shirt.

    For that, I just run the towel/t-shirt under hot water, nuke it in the microwave until it’s warm, & wrap my hair up in it. This allows the pores to open up & seep into your roots, nourishing them from inside.

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Coffee Ground Scrub.


coffee is always a good idea…

And I’m not just talking about gulping down 3 cups of it every morning! Coffee grounds possess tons of benefits to give you healthy & glowing skin.

7 beauty benefits from coffee grounds:

  1. Coffee grounds are packed with antioxidants that help protect your skin from free radical damage.

  2. Fights against aging skin by drawing excess fluids out of cells, creating a tightening & toning effect on the skin.

  3. Calms inflamed & red skin with the same antioxidants that protect it from premature aging.

  4. Stimulates blood flow; allowing skin to appear brighter.

  5. Coffee grounds are a natural exfoliant. Softly scrubbing away the dead skin cells to create smoother skin.

  6. Regulates cell re-growth, increases collagen, & increases skin elasticity.

  7. Caffeine stimulates & increases circulation, plumping up the skin to make cellulite look less obvious.

The best way (in my eyes) to obtain these benefits, is to create your own coffee scrub with recycled coffee grounds. Trying to go zero waste has become sort of an obsession of mine over the past few months, so reusing my old coffee grounds, & mixing them with ingredients I already have in my cupboards helps reduce my carbon footprint, as well as saving money! Rummaging through my kitchen, I found honey, brown sugar, vanilla extract, & avocado oil to create my homemade body scrub.


Like caffeine, honey is full of natural antioxidants that aid to aging skin. It’s also moisturizing & soothing, which will give your skin a subtle glow.

Brown Sugar.

Being a natural exfoliant, brown sugar supports the promotion of new cell growth, while moisturizing the skin by drawing moisture out from the environment, & transferring it over to the skin. Brown sugar can also help diminish scars by gently lightening the appearance of skin.

Vanilla Extract.

Natural vanilla extract is an anti-inflammatory, which helps soothe irritated skin. It also contains antioxidants that soften the appearance of wrinkles, & heal damaged skin.

Avocado Oil.

I use avocado oil EVERY DAY; from cooking to skincare! Avocado oil contains fatty acids that help moisturize the skin while vitamins A, D & E help boost collagen production, fight aging signs, & aids in skin elasticity.

Homemade Coffee Body Scrub.

  1. washing out & reusing an old container (250ml), I filled it up 3/4 of the way with coffee grounds.

  2. then I measure out 1/4 cup of brown sugar, & add it into the container.

  3. add 1 tablespoon of honey, & 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract.

  4. I mix the ingredients together, which still leaves the scrub a little dry.

  5. as I continue to mix, I pour the avocado oil in until the mixture is slightly moist. (you don’t want the mixture too wet or dry, or else it won’t apply properly to the skin)

  6. once you create the consistency you like, apply on your body in a circular motion. coffee grounds can clog your drains overtime; I use this scrub once a week in my shower.

    If you’re planning on using this scrub more often, I suggest laying a towel down on the floor, wetting your skin, applying the scrub, & gently rubbing it off with a warm, damp cloth (discarding the grounds into the trash or compost bin).

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Clarifying Shampoos.

*photo credit to Eleven Australia

*photo credit to Eleven Australia


traditional shampoos are just not cutting it anymore…

Do you ever leave the shower with your hair still feeling dirty? It’s probably due to product build up, & the type of shampoo you’re using. Clarifying shampoos have been around for YEARS now, but many are still confused on how they work, & exactly what they do.

What is Clarifying shampoo?

Clarifying shampoo is also called purifying, deep cleansing, or detoxifying shampoo. Basically, it removes product build up, lifts away mineral deposits from hard water, & removes chlorine found in swimming pools. I refer to clarifying shampoo as a ‘rest button’.

Are they safe?

Yes. Clarifying shampoos can be used on all hair types, but it’s not good to use it everyday. Using this shampoo more than a couple of times a week can leave your hair feeling dry & extremely dull. If you have Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis, or psoriasis, you may want to be cautious because clarifying shampoos may worsen these conditions by drying out your scalp, & making the underlying cells produce more oils.

What are the benefits?

Like I stated above, clarifying shampoos are like a ‘reset button’ for the hair. But the other benefits that clarifying shampoos provide for your mane are preventing bacterial growth on your scalp, restoring your hair’s natural pH balance, helping your hair lock in moisture, regulating sebum levels on your scalp, & soothing itchy scalp.

What are your favourite clarifying shampoos?

Being a hairstylist, I’ve tried my fair share of clarifying shampoos over the years. Many of which are cruelty free, & colour safe. A few of my faves are: Eleven Australia Deep Clean Shampoo, Kevin Murphy Maxi Wash, R&Co Oblivion Clarifying Shampoo, Oribe The Cleanse Clarifying Shampoo, Dry Bar On The Rocks Clarifying Shampoo, Verb Reset Clarifying Shampoo, & Aveda Scalp Benefits Balancing Shampoo.

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Homemade Spot Treatment.


who loves breaking out?

Literally, no one. It’s painful, & totally embarrassing! Acne appears on your face, & forehead because these areas have the most oil glands. Breakouts are caused by excessive oil production, hair follicles being clogged by oil or dead skin, & bacteria. Gross!

Other factors to take into account when pondering what’s caused your latest zit, are hormones, medications, diet, & stress. Though, eating that greasy drive-thru burger isn’t going to cause you to breakout, certain foods -such as milk, bread, chips, & even chocolate- can make acne worse!

As long as you’re using an oil free makeup, & regularly wash your face, cosmetics don’t typically make acne worse. And neither does a dirty face! Scrubbing the skin too hard or cleaning it with harsh soaps can irritate the skin, causing you to breakout more.

I’m in the midst of transforming my skincare routine into all natural, & homemade (trust me, it’s not easy). During this time, my skin is pushing out all the toxins. This ‘skin purge’ has caused my skin to breakout in some spots. This type of breakout is different from an acne breakout as this will subside in about 3 to 4 weeks (the amount of time it takes for the epidermis to renew itself).

While my skin is detoxifying itself, I found a simple, & effective spot treatment. I apply immediately when I feel a breakout forming, & keep applying until the zit has completely vanished (about 2-3 days).

Clary Sage.

Regulates the oil production of the skin, reduces inflammation, & prevents acne scarring.


Kills bacteria, unclogs pores, reduces inflammation, & heals acne scarring.

Tea Tree.

Calms redness, swelling, & inflammation while reducing acne scars.

Apricot Oil.

Improves skin tone, lowers the appearance of blemishes, & is an anti-inflammatory.

Homemade Spot Treatment.

  1. Take a 1oz roll on applicator, & add 8 drops of clary sage, 4 drops of lavender, & 2 drops of tea tree.

  2. Fill the rest of the bottle up with apricot oil, place the roller cap on, & shake.

  3. To use, roll the bottle between your hands to redistribute the oils. Roll treatment onto breakouts twice a day.

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Homemade Face Oil.


I have tried dozens upon dozens…

Of skincare products throughout the years, but I felt as if nothing was helping my moisture deprived, sensitive skin. I only seem to have luck with organic skincare companies vs. big name brands! Which got me thinking… why don’t I just create my own skincare routine?

I went to my DIY guru, Stephanie Gerber, & scoured her website for inspiration. I did my research to find out which combination of oils would best suite each type of skin. To figure out where you f, click here.

Carrier Oils.

First, you’re going to need a carrier oil to use as your base. This will be the oil you use most of! Below are the types of carrier oils best fit for your skin type. To see my original blog post on carrier oils, click here.

Normal to Combination Skin: sunflower, jojoba, & pomegranate oil

Oily Skin: jojoba, & grapeseed oil

Dry/Aging/Sensitive Skin: apricot, avocado, vitamin e, & sweet almond oil

Essential Oils.

Finding the correct essential oils that are meant for your skin type, & mixing them to pair with one another for the results you’re seeking, is fairly simple. Pair 2 or more of the oils below with your carrier oil.

Treat Breakouts: tea tree, & lemon

Treat Acne Scaring/Even Out Skin Tone: frankincense, sandalwood, lavender, helichrysum, neroli, & geranium

Treat Signs of Aging: rosehip seed, sandalwood, clary sage, lavender, rosemary, ylang ylang, & neroli

Balance Oily Skin: peppermint, geranium, cedar wood, clary sage, & ylang ylang

Balance Dry Skin: geranium, clary sage, sandalwood, & ylang ylang

Below are two face oil recipes; one for day, & one for night. Be aware that switching skin care routines takes some time, especially when you go all natural. Your skin is pushing out all of the toxins, & may result in a few breakouts.

Day Oil.

(treat acne scarring, signs of aging, & balance dry skin)

  1. fill 1oz bottle with 0.75oz of sweet almond oil.

  2. add 10 drops of sandalwood, 8 drops of lavender, & 8 drops of frankincense.

  3. finish by adding 1/2 teaspoon of vitamin e oil.

  4. shake well.

Night Oil.

(treat acne scaring, signs of aging, & balance dry skin)

  1. fill 1oz bottle with 0.75oz of avocado oil.

  2. add 10 drops of lavender, 8 drops of rosemary, & 8 drops of ylang ylang.

  3. finish by adding 1/2 teaspoon of vitamin e oil.

  4. shake well.

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homemade autumn body wash.


i’ll be the first to admit it…

Bath & Body Works has THE best smelling body washes, soaps & lotions out there, especially in Autumn. But, what if I told you that you can make your own at home that aren’t full of harsh chemicals? This healthy hack contain the simplest ingredients; castile soap, sweet almond oil, vitamin E oil and essential oils.

Sweet Almond Oil.

I have crazy sensitive skin that is easily irritated by run of the mill products, & almond oil has been my saving grace. The oil itself is not too heavy so it won’t clogs pores, & it contains the fatty acids that help your skin retain moisture, & protects against sun damage. Plus, almond oil is packed with vitamin A -which stimulates the production of new skin cells.

Vitamin E Oil.

Vitamin E oil has been used in skincare for years due to the fact it’s incredibly moisturizing, & reduces the look of scarring. In fact, vitamin e oil is so moisturizing, that it can help treat eczema & psoriasis!

Caution: those with oily skin should skip this ingredient when creating their body wash. I have very dry, & sensitive skin, therefore vitamin e oil is perfect for me.

Cinnamon Essential Oil.

‘Tis the season! Am I right? Cinnamon oil not only is a mood enhancer, but it also calms dry skin, & can relieve aches, pains, & stiffness in muscles & joints.

Clove Bud Essential Oil.

Clove bud oil is used to improve blood circulation, & contains a compound called eugenol -which is known for its antibacterial properties.

Sandalwood Essential Oil.

Sandalwood is one of those scents that allows me to feel calm & relaxed. It’s used in aromatherapy to treat anxiety & depression

Orange Essential Oil.

Orange essential oil can increase the ability to absorb vitamin C, helps produce collagen production, & stimulates blood flow -all of which are important for anti-aging. It’s also an all natural antiseptic, & anti-inflammatory!

What To Do:

  1. Take your reusable bottle, & pour the castile soap almost all the way, but leaving room for the oils. (I used non-scented soap)

  2. I measured out about 1 teaspoon of sweet almond oil, & about 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin e oil in my 295mL bottle. I used little amount of oil because you don’t want your body wash to be too runny.

  3. Lastly, I added 8-10 drops of each essential oil (until I got the scent I desired) & shook the bottle to mix all the ingredients.

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Overnight Masks.


It’s spreading like wildfire…

Overnight masks have been popping up in the aisles of Sephora! It seems to be the newest trend in skincare, but what is all this fuss about? What kind of overnight mask is best for my skin type? What do they even do? Well, I did some digging around & have answers.

What is an overnight mask & what are the benefits?

Basically, it’s clay or sheet mask that allows you to apply before you hit the sheets & wash off when you wake up. The purpose of an overnight mask is to hydrate the skin. When the body is in a deep sleep, the skin’s metabolism increases, as well as cell turnover & renewal. Depending on the mask, skin type & desired results, the mask may help balance & calm the skin, improve uneven skin tone, or smooth fine lines & wrinkles.

What is my skin type & how do I find the right overnight mask for me?

If you don’t know your skin type, don’t fret. I’ve created a guide you can peak at right here. Finding the right mask will depend on your skin type & what kind of results you would like to see, like I said above. I’ve created a little guideline below of which mask might be good for you. Those with very oily skin or skin types with a lot of active acne shouldn’t use an overnight mask due to the fact it’s all about trapping & locking moisture into the skin. It will create a lot of oil build up & I can already feel you oily skinned people cringing.

How do I use an overnight mask? Won’t it get all over my pillows & bedsheets?

Overnight masks aren’t built like regular o’l face masks; they’re more like a night cream. If you’re worried about getting product all over your bed, try purchasing a second set of pillow cases that you wouldn’t mind getting a little messy, laying down a towel or applying your mask 30 minutes before you snooze to allow the mask to dry.

My recommendations:

Youth To The People Superberry Hydrate + Glow Dream Mask, $59: defends the skin against the look of oxidative stress, visibly firms & brightens the look & feel of skin, while mimicking your skin’s natural oils to boost skin hydration without clogging pores. This is the product that I am currently using.

Farmacy Sleep Tight Firming Night Balm, $63: lightweight, helps moisturize, firm & tone the skin while reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Perfect for uneven skin tone & age prevention.

Glow Recipe Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask, $59: oil-free & lightweight with ultra-soothing watermelon extract & hydrating hyaluronic acid that work while you sleep to tone & clarify dull skin.

Glow Recipe Avocado Melt Sleeping Mask, $59: creamy sleeping mask made with avocado & honey to deeply moisturize dry, dull skin overnight. Supports skins natural collagen, provides antioxidants & soothing properties to refresh stressed out skin, gently exfoliates, pulls impurities from the skin without causing redness or irritation, absorbs excess oils, decongests pores & diminishes shine.


Carrier Oils 101.

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I adore creating my own skincare products…

Especially sharing them with you. Here’s a little breakdown on which carrier oils are best for your skin type. Refer back to this page during any of my skincare creations or if you feel inspired on your own.

Normal to Combination Skin.

SUNFLOWER OIL: Perfect for those suffering from acne, redness and/or irritation. Plus, this oil is not too heavy or too light.

JOJOBA OIL: The most common carrier oil used in skincare as it can be used to help most skin types. It nourishes dry skin with fatty acids & vitamin E & actually helps oily skin by regulating oil production by mimicking your skin’s natural oils.

POMEGRANATE OIL: Perfect for all skin types as it has anti-inflammatory properties, rejuvenates skin cells & prevents UVB damage.


JOJOBA OIL: See above.

GRAPESEED OIL: Moderates your skins natural oil, is packed full of antioxidants & vitamin C, restores skin collagen & calms skin inflammation. 

DRY/aging SKIN.

APRICOT KERNAL OIL: A heaven sent for skin on the more dry/aging side of the spectrum. This oil improves skin tone, lowers the appearance of aging signs & blemishes while nourishing deep down.

AVOCADO OIL: You know how avocados are the ‘good kind of fat’? Well those fatty acids help moisturize the skin while vitamins A, D & E help boost collagen production & fight aging signs. Avocado Oil also aids in skin elasticity.

SWEET ALMOND OIL: One of the most moisturizing oils as it’s packed with vitamin E, fatty acids & proteins. This carrier oil also helps soothe sensitive skin.

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What’s Your Skin Type?


Finding your skin type can be very confusing…

I didn’t know my true skin type until I was 20 years old! If you’re like me and are having a hard time learning what side of the spectrum you are, I’ve created a guide down below.


tight / flakey

Generally those with dry skin have (almost) invisible pores & may suffer from regular irritation.


sticky / shiny

Skin looks shiny, may feel slick to the touch & may deal with terrible acne breakouts.


both dry & oily 

This skin type will often be shiny in the T-zone & have dry spots around the cheeks.


red / easily irritated

Sensitive skin types may have characteristics of all the skin types listed above, but the key feature is the amount of redness & irritation as sensitive skin is easily inflamed.




when did lashes become such a trend?

It seems as if all of my friends are getting lash extensions and RAVING about them. Recently I was contacted by an adorable woman, Meghan, about doing a complimentary lash lift or lash extensions. Thinking about getting lash extensions or even a lash lift made me nervous, but after creeping Meghan’s Instagram portfolio, I felt at ease. I decided to go with a lash lift, because I really wanted to see how beneficial the results were on my natural lashes.

Meghan is trained under Sugar Lash Pro (if you haven’t heard of this company, you can learn more about them here.) Sugar Lash Pro is one of the most well known companies in the eyelash world. It was founded in 2015 by Courtney Buhler and has really taken off. They truly value the quality of their products and though most artists work independently, they do everything they can to create a warm community. Meghan couldn’t stop raving about them!

During my appointment, we talked about the pros and cons of each service: Lash Lift vs. Lash Extensions. It really depends on the person, their lifestyle and basically what they prefer when it comes to the two. Below, I have created a little list to help you decide on which service would best suit you!

lash lift vs. lash extension..-2.png

Skincare Tips.


It’s time to love the skin your in…

This is a list of my favourite skincare tips that help keep my skin clear & free of breakouts.

wash your hands.

Think of what your hands touch on a daily basis. Washing the dirt, oil & makeup off of your face at the end of the day doesn’t do a thing if your hands aren’t clean. Take a minute to wash your hands with antibacterial soap before you start your skincare routine.

Take your eye makeup off.

I’ve become the victim of raccoon eyes way too many times. Before you start your skincare routine or hop in the shower, do yourself a favour & remove your eye makeup. Click here for my favourite makeup remover products.

Rose Water.

Tons of skincare lines use rose water in their products due to it’s many benefits. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, helps maintain the skin's pH balance, controls excess oil, helps hydrate, revitalize & moisturize the skin & has antioxidant properties to help to strengthen skin cells & regenerate skin tissues. I keep 100% rose water in a spray bottle in my bathroom & spritz it on my face after cleansing.

Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

I double cleanse at the end of the day: once to remove the dirt, oil & makeup, twice to clean deep. With all the dirt, oil & makeup, double cleansing allows my skin to feel squeaky clean before I hit the pillow.

Pillow Cases & Phone Screens.

These are the two items your face touches every day. Make sure you’re cleaning them regularly to prevent breakouts.


Dry Scalp Treatment.


Who else deals why dry and unbearably itchy scalp?

Once the weather starts to cool down, my scalp becomes abnormally itchy, and I mean I can’t go more than ten minutes without clawing at my head! Even working at salons and experimenting product after product, I was never able to find a remedy. But low and behold, I was introduced to my saviour, PHYTOPOLLEINE BOTANICAL SCALP TREATMENT. Phyto doesn’t engage in animal testing, nor allows its formulas contain animal-derived ingredients.

What is phytopolleine?

Phytopolleine is a pre-shampoo, scalp stimulating treatment that helps balanced the scalp. It tones the hair bulb and surface capillaries, while rebalancing sebum flow.

What are the ingredients?

LEMON OIL is used to help purify the scalp and restore its pH balance.

CORN OIL soothes and calms the scalp while locking in moisture to aid dryness.

ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL increases microcirculation of the scalp, which promotes healing and prevents dryness.

CYPRESS ESSENTIAL OIL increases blood circulation and capillary strength to stimulate hair follicles.

CLARY SAGE ESSENTIAL OIL stimulates the scalp.

How Do I Use It?

What I love/hate about this product is its application dropper. It doesn’t allow a ton of product to come out at once, so you don’t waste any, but it’s a pain to keep shaking over top of your head. But, a small price to pay to soothe my itchy scalp. I apply where I feel the most irritation and massage in. I then apply LANI TREATMENT to my ends and leave both on for 20-30 minutes. Shampoo and condition your hair as usual and continue to use a couple times a week!

I have been dealing with a dry, itchy scalp ever since I moved to Edmonton and I’m so excited that I’ve found this product. I’ll link the website HERE, but you can also ask your stylist to order you one or head over to WEEKLY.


Organic Makeup Removers.


How many of us go to bed with our makeup on…?

I’m guilty for doing it on a weekly basis, but do we really know how harmful this could be for our skin? Your skin renews itself while you sleep & leaving makeup on can prevent that from happening. Not washing your makeup off before you start snoozing can rapidly age your skin, clog pores & cause nasty breakouts. Leaving my warm bed to go wash my face doesn’t sound too enticing, but wiping away the dirt, oil & makeup with a makeup remover wipe & applying moisturizer suffices.

Makeup Eraser.

Best for the environment & soft on your skin, a makeup eraser cloth has over 1,000 uses & gets rid of stubborn, waterproof & smear proof makeup. Just add warm water & wipe away! Make sure you machine wash the cloth before you use.

The Original MakeUp Eraser, $20

Josie Maran Bear Naked Wipes.

These are the makeup wipes that I’m currently using. What I love about them, is that Josie Maran donates a portion of sales to the Natural Resources Defence Council's Polar Bear SOS Initiative. Not only that, but they are made with argan oil to help with sensitive skin while removing dirt, oil & makeup.

Bear Naked Wipes, $12

Kaia Naturals Juicy Bamboo Gentle Facial Cleansing Cloths.

This is the first (and only?) makeup remover wipe that is biodegradable. Seriously, you can plant or compost the cloth after use & it will decompose in 90 days. They are never bleached or saturated with synthetic chemicals but are soaked in organic honey, sunflower seed oil, jojoba oil, clinical grade pure essential oils & vitamins B12, C & E.

Juicy Bamboo Cloths, $16

At Home Makeup Remover.

There are a couple different ways you can naturally remove your makeup at home. Depending on skin type, you can use coconut, jojoba or sweet almond oil, apple cider vinegar, witch hazel & essential oils. Hello Glow is the Queen of natural beauty products, you can find her HOMEMADE MAKEUP REMOVER recipe here. I have also created my very own LAZY GIRL TONER that can also be used as a makeup remover, you can find the post here.


Colder weather Hair Care.


The snow has fallen here in Edmonton…

Below zero mornings & hat hair makes managing your mane next to impossible, but the change in temperature actually helps keep the cuticle of your hair ‘closed‘, leading to shinier & smoother hair. Here are my favourite hair care tips & tricks to help you with the ‘most wonderful time of the year’.


Moisture. Moisture. Moisture. Your hair is begging for it! If you’re like me & use hot tools everyday, you've got the perfect recipe for parched strands. Applying a hair mask once a week will help deeply nourish hair while preventing split ends & breakage. My favourite way to apply a hair mask is to shampoo your hair as usual, apply your hair mask & let it soak in while you finish your shower routine & then rinse!

Try Amika’s Soulfood Nourishing Mask


Heat & friction from the fibers in hats can create tons of static. To keep fly-away strands in place, apply a smoothing cream through your hair while it’s still damp & carry around a bottle of hair oil to apply on frizzy hat hair. This will refresh your hair & prevent that dreaded hat hair look.

Try Josie Maran’s 100% Pure Argan Oil

or Dry Bar’s The Chaser Shine Cream


Lighter shades look gorgeous all year long, but there's a reason stunning brunettes pop up around this time. I mean, don't we all feel a little more sophisticated & sexy coming to the dark side? If you like your blonde, why not opt for some low-lights or a shadow root to help tone things down for the season? For some inspiration, check out my Pinterest Board below.

Pinterest: Welcome to the Dark Side.


Fave Lush Products.


who doesn’t love lush…?

You’d be crazy not to! From their delicious bath bombs to their powerful face masks, Lush has been a must in my beauty routine. Not only is this company cruelty free, but they also use fresh, 100% vegetarian (80% vegan) ingredients & build relationships with the land, people & communities that harvest them. Plus, the packaging is simple & recyclable!

Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner.

Living in a province with such a dry climate, this product is essential. It contains cocoa, shea & cupuacu butters along with brazil nut, almond & argan oil. These ingredients moisturize your skin so when you emerge from the shower, you don’t get that ‘tight skin’ feeling. They recently came out with ‘naked’ packaging for the body conditioners which is pictured above.

Cup O’ Coffee.

I am so not a morning person… but the one thing that can kickstart my day is caffeine! This freshly brewed, cocoa scented face & body mask is the perfect way to get me energized. Ground coffee gently scrubs the skin while kaolin helps cleanse impurities from the pores. I use self tanner religiously & this scrub helps buff away the dead skin so my tan applies evenly. Though it says you can use this product on your face, I stray away because I feel the coffee grounds are too rough for my sensitive skin.

Bunny Moon Jelly Face Mask.

Ok, how cute is the name of this product? Bunny Moon is the first jelly face mask I’ve tried from Lush since they discontinued my old fave, Love Lettuce (R.I.P). I love this product because it calms my sensitive skin, especially after a night out. Plus, it’s squishy & tons of fun to play with! Honey locks in moisture while rose, chamomile & vanilla soothes irritated skin.

Sleepy Body Lotion.

Anybody that knows me, knows how much I adore the scent of lavender. It’s such a calming, soothing smell that can actually help with anxiety & depression. So for anyone having trouble falling asleep or having a rough day, massage this lotion onto your body & I guarantee it’ll make you feel some type of way. Sleepy contains cocoa butter & almond oil to moisturize the skin, so I apply this lotion before bed to my arms (focusing on my elbows), feet & shoulders.

Let The Good Times Roll.

This is hands down my favourite product that Lush carries. The smell is to die for & the results have changed my skin. Like I said above, I don’t use ‘Cup O’ Coffee’ on my face because it’s too rough, but ‘Let The Good Times Roll’ is what I use regularly for a facial exfoliator. Maize Flour is the main ingredient used to gently exfoliate the skin.

Reviews on the site warn that this product leaves a residue on the skin, therefore I wouldn’t recommend this product to anyone with oily skin. I also recommend using this product on your face & dry spots on your body as I feel like I go through the large tub quicker when I try to use it as a full body scrub.

Shoutout to all the Lush Bath Bombs & Melts that make bath time not a snooze fest. I can’t choose just one because you can never have too many!


Organic Skincare Routine.


cruelty free, all natural & locally made…

is what my new skincare routine is all about. Om Organics has blown me away! I had a chance to chat with one of the founders & ask her a few questions about the company & products. You can find the interview here. Below I have posted MY skincare routine & how these products help my skin type.

White Willow Purifying Cleansing Gel.

I love this cleanser because it’s perfect for my skin type & almost every skin type. I have sensitive skin & breakout hormonally, so this cleanser helps prevent breakouts without stripping away the healthy oils that lock in moisture to my skin.

White Willow Bark contains salicylic acid to help fight acne & exfoliates to reduce clogged pores & the look of fine line & wrinkles. Honeysuckle is used as a natural antiseptic to relieve skin irritations & blemishes while Sandalwood soothes pimples, acne, blemishes & rashes while drawing excess oil from the skin.

normal / combination / oily / blemish prone / sensitive

Spirulina Tonic Clarifying Face Mist.

This was the product that made me fall in love with this line. Spirulina eliminates toxins from the skin while increasing skin metabolism to enable faster skin cell turnover & skin healing. Rosemary water is a heaven-sent for sensitive skin, but it’s also an anti-septic & anti-inflammatory to help reduce breakouts & inflammation caused by acne. Sandalwood is used yet again to soothe breakouts & draw excess oil from the skin.

Using a facial mist before applying a moisturizer or oil/elixir combo will allow you to use less product to effectively hydrate your skin.

combination / sensitive / problematic

Youth Infusion Age Defying Elixir.

The creators of Om Organics recommend using an oil & elixir combo asa posed to a face cream because it contains 100% active ingredients whereas a cream contains a high quantity of water along with some non-therapeutic ingredients to make it the consistency of a cream.

Tripeptide 29 is one of the main ingredients in this elixir. Studies have shown that its materials dramatically increase collagen in the skin. Collagen is the most lavish protein in the body -improving skin elasticity, reducing wrinkles & increasing moisture in the skin. Though I’m 22, I have always been told to start purchasing age defying products. It never hurts to start young & the products usually have deep moisturizing ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid. It penetrates deeply into the skin to attract & retain water for maximum hydration. Tamrind Seed, Green Algae & Gotu Kola improves skin elasticity & smoothness while toning & tightening the skin.

dry / mature 

ROSE HIP + Black Cumin Perfecting Face Oil.

Om recommends blending a dime size of elixir with a few drops of face oil for the ultimate nourishment. This oil was recommended to me because my main skin goal was to perfect the tone, texture & pigmentation of my skin. A blend of Rosehip, Cranberry & Black Cumin oil does just that while adding hydration. Two other incredible ingredients are Horse Chestnut & Olive Leaf help to heal & strengthen fragile skin.

normal / oily / sensitive

Cucumber Tea Brightening Eye Serum.

I feel like I look like a raccoon with dark under eye circles. Probably from my three jobs, blog & business with the lack of sleep but that’s what being 22 is like nowadays. I’ve noticed changes since i’ve been using this product though. Cucumber & Caffeine work together to eliminate excess fluid build-up & inflammation. While Bilberry delivers oxygen rich blood to the layers of the skin while strengthening blood vessels & capillary walls. Also, back to Hyaluronic Acid & it’s ability to penetrate deeply into the skin for the ultimate hydration. All this talk means… NO MORE RACCOON EYES!

Taking care of your eyes is my #1 tip when it comes to skincare. The skin under your eyes is extremely thin & sensitive, so any kind of tugging can cause some serious wrinkles. Using your pinky, start at the outer corner of the eye, work towards the inner corner, up over the brow bone & back to the outer corner. Gently dab all the way around both eyes & use a sweeping, circular motion to massage the serum into the skin.

dark circles / puffiness

Om Organics was super helpful when it came to choosing the right skincare routine for me. When I discovered them on Instagram, I loved the fact their products contained no parabens, no added colour or fragrances & most importantly, didn’t test on animals. My skin has reacted very well by switching to an all natural skincare routine & I feel more confident leaving the house with little to no makeup on. I recommend emailing them at hello@omorganicscanada.com to find out what products would be best for your skin type.

p.s tell them you came from here to help spread the love.


coffee under eye serum


It's time we start caring about our eyes...

The skin under our eyes are much, much thinner than the other skin on the body. Puffiness & dark circles are caused by lack of sleep, excessive drinking & hereditary factors. Poor under eye care can seriously make you look twice your age. I have always had problems with my under eyes because I feel as if my eyes sink in a little & no matter what, it always looks like I have dark circles. I've been starting to take better care of my eyes & found a serum that I can make at home!

The ingredients I'm using are: avocado oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin e & coffee grounds. Here's a little run down on why I'm using these ingredients & how they are beneficial.

Avocado Oil.

Avocado oil improves elasticity & resilience of the skin while reducing free-radical damage & the vitamin K found in avocado oil helps lighten dark circles by controlling capillary leakage. Studies have shown that the skin absorbs avocado oil faster than olive, almond, coconut & sesame oils, & most popular skincare brands use avocado oil as one of their top moisturizing ingredients.

Sweet Almond Oil.

Sweet almond oil has a very light texture, so like avocado oil, it absorbs easily into the skin. Its antioxidant properties shield your skin from the sun’s rays while preventing wrinkles & other damage caused by exposure to the sun. Sweet almond oil contains natural anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidants that reduce puffy skin & dark circles by keeping the skin nourished. It also helps reduce the size of dilated & swollen blood vessels.

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E boosts promotes blood circulation, improves elasticity of the skin & produces collagen in the skin by reducing the appearance of fine lines & wrinkles. It can also speed up cell regeneration to create an anti-aging effect!

Coffee Grounds.

Caffeine has strong anti-oxidants to help improve under eye circulation, plumps the skin & tightens blood vessels to reduce swelling. This decreases the appearance of dark circles. Caffeine also helps protect cells against the UV radiation & not to mention the scent has the ability to kickstart your day!

What to do:

  1. In a container, pour 1 cup of coffee grounds & add enough sweet almond oil to cover the grounds.

  2. Add in 1 tablespoon of avocado oil & 1 teaspoon of vitamin e oil.

  3. Mix together & let sit for 4-5 days.

  4. Strain mixture into a cheesecloth overtop of a mesh strainer. Using a funnel, carefully pour mixture into an amber glass bottle with a dropper.

  5. Apply serum to eyes twice a day (morning & night) for best results.


Festival Makeup: Chasing Summer


MY pinterest board is full...

of beautiful festival makeup inspiration. Who isn't drawn in by the bright colours & the obsessive amounts of glitter? I had the chance to work with one of St. Albert's finest makeup artists, Chelsea Glasow (you can find her Instagram page here).  She created an amazing 'Sunset Gypsy' look on me the other day & taught me a thing or two about applying festival makeup. Unfortunately, we had a hiccup with my camera & the tutorial wasn't able to be recorded. Luckily, we thought on our feet & snapped a pic to show off the look.

Down below is the step by step tutorial on how to achieve the 'Sunset Gypsy'. I also recreated this look on Instagram so be sure to check that out. Give Chelsea's page a follow as we'll be working together on a couple more projects in the future! 


  1. Start off by setting the eyes with powder

  2. Using a warm light brown transition shade (for this look she used one from the huda palette & jaclyn hill palette) buff out towards temples. *the transition shade is what pulls everything together & allows it all to blend, so DON'T skip this step)

  3. Go into a medium orange brown & start blending that along the crease line to deepen it

  4. Apply a warm plum/brown to the outer crease to deepen & darken the look.

  5. Apply concealer to the lid of your eye to “cut” the crease & set concealer with powder

  6. Apply bright yellow shade from inner corner to 3/4 across lid, then blend pink shade from 1/2 to outer corner.


  8. Apply darkest colour of your choice to outer corner to pull the whole smokey eye effect together.

  9. Apply glitter, black or a mixture of both to created a winged eyeliner.

  10. Smoke out bottom lash line with medium shade used on lid & darker shade used on lid

  11. Apply mascara, then apply lashes

  12. Apply highlighter on cheekbones, then apply lash glue onto the desired area where glitter will go, let sit for 30 seconds then apply glitter of your choice.

  13. Finally, SET FACE!!!!


Lazy Girl Toner.


sometimes i get lazy...

Let's face it, we all do. Especially after a night out, I'm not overly excited to perform my whole skincare routine. I've created a little concoction that'll suffice for those nights you're feeling a little too tired to make it to the sink. I'm going to give you a little run down on the ingredients I'm using.

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar.

Raw apple cider vinegar is a natural antiseptic & antibacterial (which helps with acne & eczema), balances the natural pH of the skin & naturally exfoliates the skin. It’s also used to lighten sun spots, age spots & acne scars & is great for removing excess oils & make up.


Lavender oil.

Lavender oil has many benefits besides smelling absolutely amazing! Inhaling lavender can reduce both stress & anxiety & allows the brain to relax -perfect after a busy night out. Lastly, it won't clog your pores, is a natural antiseptic & antibacterial, balances hormone levels & kills bacteria on the skin. 


Tea Tree Oil.

Tea tree oil has been used in many skin care products over the years because of it's many powerful benefits. Lightening acne scars, restoring the skin's natural oils, treating eczema & is antibacterial & anti-inflammatory.


For sensitive skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 4 parts water

For normal/dry skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 2 parts water

For oily skin: Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water

Instructions: (8 oz bottle)

  1. Taking an 8oz bottle with a disc cap, mix your ratios based on skin type. I have sensitive skin so I mix about 3/4 cups of water with 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar.

  2. Add 2 drops of lavender oil & 2 drops of tea tree oil.

  3. Shake the bottle to mix up all ingredients & use by pouring mixture onto a cotton pad & applying to face. (Make sure you shake mixture before every use)

  4. Apply moisturizer when skin dries.


Edmonton is a dry & Windy City...

My hair makes me question why I decided to move here everyday. Dry, brittle, tangled & frizzy are words my hair & I know all too well. Luckily, for those of you who have the same issue as myself, I have found ways to ease the pain! I have a video on my YouTube channel, which I posted below, if you would like to skip all the reading. I also touch on extension care in the video.


The type of products you use are essential to hair quality. I'll say it again for the people in the back... You cannot have salon quality hair without salon quality products! Kevin Murphy, Oribe, Aveda, Living Proof, R+Co & Verb are all great examples & they don't test on animals!! Click here to see a list of products that do & don't test on animals. Also below are my favourite haircare products.

Hair Mask: Aveda Dry Remedy Hair Masque Oribe Gold Lust Transformative Masque 

Shampoo: Kevin Murphy Hydrate Me Wash & Oribe Signature Shampoo.

Conditioner: Verb Ghost Conditioner Oribe Signature Conditioner.

Detangler: Oribe’s Run Through Detangling Primer 

Smoothing Cream: Oribe Supershine Moisture Cream & R+Co High Dive Moisture & Shine Crème

Hair Oil: Oribe Gold Lust Nourishing Hair Oil & R+Co Tinsel Smoothing Oil

Texturizing Spray: Oribe Après Beach Wave & Shine Spray & Trophy Shine & Texture Spray

Heat Protectant: Aveda Brilliant Damage Control


I have two hair care routines; one for my hair washing days & another for the days in-between. Below is my full hair washing routine, but for non washing days I start at STEP 3.

  1. I apply a moisturizing hair mask onto dry hair before I shower & leave it on for 20-30 minutes. I use Davines Nourishing Hair Building Pak.

  2. In the shower I rinse with Oribe's Gold Lust Shampoo. Some people think that just shampooing your hair after a hair mask is completely fine & you can get away without conditioning. But if you don't condition, the cuticle is still open & leaves your hair prone to damage. Because I moisturize with the hair mask & my shampoo, I use a run of the mill conditioner, which does the trick! I use Aveda's Rosemary Mint Conditioner.

  3. After the shower, I spray some detangler in my hair (Oribe Run-Through Detangling Primer) & brush it out with a wide tooth comb. Then I use my Oribe Matte Waves Texture Lotion to help smooth my hair. I use the Matte Waves as a styling cream because I ALWAYS style my hair wavy but I have posted a few options above that are more moisturizing.

  4. I let my hair air dry to give it a little break from the heat. My Matte Waves Lotion has heat protectant built in (so do all styling products from Oribe & R+Co) so I style my hair as usual & finish off by applying my Dry Remedy Daily Moisturizing Hair Oil from Aveda. I usually give my hair a few spritz of texturizing spray but it's ridiculously windy in Edmonton lately, I have held off. I stay away from any products that contain sea salt because it creates a giant birds nest in the back of my hair. A couple that are my favourite to use are posted above.


Bring a wide tooth comb & hair oil with you when you go out in case of emergency. Your hair still may get a little tangled but at least you'll be prepared.

Don't apply hair oil close to your scalp, your hair will look greasy.

Make sure you brush your hair out before styling. Use a Wet Brush or a wide tooth comb.

Be sure to fully rinse out all product from your hair & ensure that your water pressure is good. Leaving product residue in your hair will create a dry & frizzy mess.


Hair evolution.

When I was in the twelfth grade...

my hair became extremely damaged to the point of breaking off. The ends were very frizzy & no amount of product could fix it! I had to cut it off in order for it to grow & become healthy again. I wasn't happy about this change whatsoever -even though my friends & family loved the new look- it was something different & I envied the girls at my school with long, healthy hair. But that experience taught me how to properly care for my hair. It's been about two years to date when I chopped my hair off & I have a lot of tips & tricks to share with you on how I grew out my hair.


The type of products you use in your hair make a HUGE difference. I'm sorry (not sorry), but using shampoo & conditioner from Walmart isn't going to make your hair healthy. Drugstore products can contain the luscious ingredients found in professional salon products, but only small amounts! They dilute their products with fillers that leave behind a waxy build-up & contain chemicals that strip your hair of its natural oils. Basically, your hair feels soft but isn't actually getting hydrated. Professional products found in salons (R&Co, Aveda, Oribe, Kevin Murphy) are highly concentrated, which means you can use less. They use high-grade ingredients that are full of vitamins, minerals & oils, so they actually nourish your hair without the waxy build up.


Lack of heat protection is a major reason why hair gets damaged! I used to think it wasn't really a big deal because 'it's just my hair', but that was before I REALLY put things into perspective. You wouldn't just take your hand & clamp your straightener on it without a heat resistant glove, right? Well why would you do that to your hair? Styling your hair with heat opens up the hair shaft, leaving your strands vulnerable to damage. Heat protectants provide topical thermal protection, helps with hair texture, softness & shine, maintains moisture & enhances the effectiveness of the heating tool.


The foods you consume are just as important as what products you use. Foods that contain Vitamin A, B, C, D & E, Zinc, Protein, Magnesium, Biotin, Iron & Niacin are not only healthy for your body, but will also help your hair grow strong & healthy. Now I'm guilty of eating Goldfish crackers almost everyday... but when I started cooking for myself, I realized that I can't live off of crackers & salad. I started eating more chicken, avocados, spinach, eggs, peanut butter & other nutritious fruits & veggies. I found a great article explaining how each vitamin & mineral works to help with healthy hair growth, you can find the link here. If you want to go more in depth on how eating well can help you feel beautiful inside & outside, I recommend reading 'Eat Pretty' by Jolene Hart.

I'm an extremely picky eater myself & only like to try certain foods when I feel like it. So if some foods don't appeal to you, you can always take a regular multi-vitamin & find each vitamin & mineral in pill form. Now I'm not saying take the pill form & eat like garbage; you still should have a healthy diet, drink lots of water & take the vitamins you need!


Hair masks are essential to hair growth. I will repeat that again, HAIR MASKS ARE ESSENTIAL. Purchasing a good hair mask can make all the difference when it comes strong & healthy hair. I apply my hair mask once a week on dry hair before the shower. I comb the mask on my hair & leave it for about 20 minutes, then shampoo & condition my hair to get rid of the residue. If I don't have a lot of time, I comb the mask on my hair in the shower while I wash my body & shave my legs, then rinse it out! If you shower in the morning, try combing the mask through your hair, wrap your hair up in a shower cap or silk scarf & sleep with the mask in your hair. Your hair will feel amazing when you rinse it out in the morning! The key points to remember when using hair masks are: to use a wide tooth comb to comb the mask through so you get every piece of hair, only use a mask once a week & concentrate on the ends!

p.s you can use a hair oil daily to help keep hair healthy.


This one is simple. Bleaching your hair can cause a ton of damage & breakage! Before I had to cut my hair, I bleached it every month. The reason I'm now brunette is so my hair can grow longer & stay healthy. I had an ombré with blonde on the bottom & it caused my bottom layer to break off because of the bleaching. Stars like Kylie Jenner & Kim Kardashian make bleach blonde hair a trend & everyone wants it. While working at the salon, many clients want to go from jet black to bleach blonde in one session & we have to tell them it's not possible or you're hair will be falling off & you'll be crying. So I cannot stress this enough.


MerMaid Shine Spray.


i've been looking for Mermaid products in stores for a couple of years now..

at last, I found them at Urban Outfitters! I picked up their Shine Spray, which is supposed to enhance shine, softness, elasticity & luster, as well as tame flyaways.  Mermaid products are cruelty free, which is super important to me. They have various products- shampoo, conditioner, shine spray, perfume, body oil, candles, perfume oil- & they smell absolutely amazing (orange blossom flowers & coconut scents). 

I styled my hair in beachy waves & finished the look with Mermaid Shine Spray. When I sprayed the product on my hair, it felt heavier than I thought it would, but didn't make my hair look or feel greasy. The scent lasts all day, which is a huge plus, & definitely made my hair feel soft & tame flyaways. My main concern when using this shine spray is how the product would make my hair feel the next day.  Because I don't wash my hair everyday, I didn't want my hair to feel or look greasy, but when I brushed out my hair the next day I didn't get that product residue on my scalp! I recommend this product to you guys.

To see how I styled my hair, watch the video below. Check out all Mermaid Products here!

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Self Tanning Routine.


The rays are beaming down on YEG & patio season is upon us... 

With summer right around the corner, my pale skin wasn't looking so 'hot'! (ha..) I am not one for stepping into a tanning bed or baking in the sun all day to get my tan. So I present to you, my 'Self Tanner Routine'.

I use Josie Maran Argan Liquid Gold Self-Tanner because of all the official stamps she has. (cruelty free, vegan, paraben free, organic, natural, recyclable, etc.) Also because of how well this product worked for me!  It takes a few hours for the colour to really show up on your skin, I suggest applying before bed. But unlike other self tanners, you don't need to shower to remove the excess colour! I bought mine from Sephora; you can find the link here.


Exfoliate your entire body, head to toe, with your favourite body scrub. Mine is my Homemade Coconut Lavender Body Scrub. The recipe is here.


Apply a moisturizing body lotion to your entire body. I use Jergen's Three Days to Glow moisturizer (found at Walmart). It gradually tans my skin as well as moisturizes it. Perfect combo!


Shake Josie Maran Argan Liquid Gold Self-Tanner to mix in the argan oil. Next, take the mitt & apply some of the tanner, then work into skin. Careful around the elbows, knees, feet & ankles. 


Allow to dry & put on loose, dark clothing to avoid stains. Don't work out, sweat, or shower for at least 8 hours.


To keep the tan up, apply a gradual self tanner (I use Jeregen's Natural Glow) every morning. Once you see the tan fading, repeat from step one.



Body scrubs are very beneficial to your beauty routine...

It helps get rid of dead skin as well as helps moisturize & smooth skin. I use a self tanner a couple times a week & this homemade body scrub is my favourite to use! It smells absolutely amazing & made out of natural ingredients. Let's get started.


  • Natural Virgin Coconut Oil
  • White Sugar or Brown Sugar (whatever you prefer)
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Mason Jar or a container with a lid


  1. In a sauce pan-on medium heat-melt the coconut oil until it becomes completely liquid. I'm not sure what the measurements came to (maybe one cup?), but I filled my mason jar about halfway with the coconut oil.
  2. Add a couple drops of lavender essential oil to the coconut oil.
  3. Stir it all up & it's all ready to use!

Valentines Day.

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I think I've been awake for 24 hours straight now… I guess one blueberry red bull at work does that to me. I don't feel the least bit tired & I've been up piecing together the last bits of my Valentine's Day posts for you! 

My valentines day playlist on Spotify to help you lovebirds get ready for today's events. Also, posted below is my be mine makeup tutorial

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As if it's Christmas Eve already...

I used a couple of new products in the video that I really like, so I'll but using them in more videos. Like the Bare Minerals pallet & the Bobby Brown Eyeshadow. 

If you try this look out anytime this holiday, let me know by hashtagging #wirtzbehaviour on facebook, instagram & twitter!


Natural Winter Look Tutorial.

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This is my everyday look for the season...

Below is the link to my youtube video with a full hair & makeup tutorial. If you don't have the exact brands that I use, try your best to use what you have.

Comment on the video, on instagram or in the comments below of what other videos you'd like to see! 

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Booster Body Scrub.


Using left over coffee grindS...

mix them in a bowl with 1/2 a cup of olive or coconut oil. Then get in the shower & scrub away. You can even use it on your face! 

It's honestly so worth to exfoliate every other day; it scuffs off dead skin, helps create movement & blood flow in trouble areas (aka cellulite) & helps rid toxins layered in your skin. Also, the fact that it's coffee grinds really jumpstarts & gives a kick to your skin!
