Om Organics Interview

Are you in love with your skincare routine?

I most definitely am. I recently stumbled across a company called Om Organics & I’ve been raving about them ever since. They are are CertClean Certified & cruelty free, made in Invermere British Columbia & are affordable.

I had the opportunity to ask one of the founders, Kari, a few questions about the company, her fave skincare tips & Om’s best sellers. Be sure to check out their website, here & Instagram, here.

If you need help deciding what products are best for your skin & body, they are wonderful with answering all your questions. Be sure to tell them I sent you & spread the love!

How did this company come to be? Why the name ‘Om’?

I had been working as an aesthetician for about 10 years and the idea ‘natural or organic skincare’ was a relatively new concept. It was being brought to my attention more and more and I could see that there was a niche in the spa industry that wasn’t being met. Also, most of the home care products (for face) being sold at Spas range from $60-160 per product, and in my opinion, good quality skin care should be something that is accessible to everyone, not only for those who could afford it.  

At that time in my life, I had been looking for a creative outlet. I tried painting, dance, and making jewelry but nothing really lasted. And then I had THAT moment! I thought, ‘Why am I not making skin care’? I immediately knew that the thought itself was the beginning of something real and exciting. From that point, I quit my job and maxed out my credit cards on study materials and ingredients and spend the next 6 months reading, researching, and playing with formulas. 

I can’t really explain how the name ‘OM’ came to me. It was just there in my head. It was like I didn’t even have to think or some up with a name for my business. The first 3 years of OM Organics were spent testing my creations out at local Farmer’s Markets. I would make products at home and head out to see what customers liked or didn’t like. Once things really started to pick up, I knew we needed a more professional production space, and thought, ‘Would’t be cool if customers could shop and see the whole production process at the same time?’ And that’s when the concept of the 'Apothecary Storefront’ came to fruition. 

Describe ‘Om Organics’ in 3 words.

Ethical. Effective. Affordable. 

Where are your ingredients sourced from?

About 90% of our ingredients are sourced from within Canada. Some of the more rare herbs, which we cannot get here, we source from the United States. 

How do you test your products + ingredients?

Once the idea for a product is born, we carefully choose the ingredients based on the outcome we want to achieve. A formula is created and then tested out by the team. Sometimes, it’s nailed down on the first try! Other times, ingredients and formulas need to be tweaked multiple times. The process can take anywhere from 0-6 months. 

How can one determine what skin type they are?

It’s safe to say that everybody’s skin falls under the ‘dehydrated’ category, so that’s a given. This could be caused by not drinking enough water, not getting enough sleep, climate, stress, diet, or any combination of the above. In addition to dehydration, there for 5 other main skin types that the skin could be classified as: 

Dry - tight / flakey

Sensitive - red / easily irritated

Oily - sticky / shiny

Combination - dry and oily 

Blemish Prone - acne

What are your best sellers and why?

Anything from within our face care range sells really well. I think customers recognize the effectiveness and quality our products right away, and because we price them so reasonably, it makes it easy for them to replenish their products without breaking the bank. Another best seller is anything from our Pink Coconut body care collection. The scent is divine.  

What are they ‘Staff Faves’?

Hands down we are all obsessed with the Face Elixirs and Face Oils. They are so effective and 100% customizable to suit any skin type. Plus, the feedback we get from customers is always wonderful. 

What is the best skincare advice you’ve ever recieved?

Keep it simple. When switching to a new line don’t overwhelm yourself with a ton of new products at once. It’s too difficult to tell if something is working or not working. Start with 1-3 products and see how your skin responds before investing in a huge regime. 

What are some skincare fads you like? Dislike?

I love the facial massage tools that have been coming out lately. They’re great for toning and tightening and actually do work! I really dislike those cringe worthy ‘charcoal peel off masks' I was seeing on social media for a while. They look so harsh and damaging and incredibly painful!  

Do you think the region and climate you live in affects your skin?

Absolutely! When I lived in Ontario, my skin was oily (due to humidity) and when I moved to British Columbia, that was no longer an issue for me. 

Finally, how often should you switch up your skincare routine and why?

Your skincare regime should be switched up seasonally. Temperature shifts have a huge impact on how your skin behaves and responds to products.

Hailey W.Comment